A Buddhist community dedicated to the joy of awakening

Natural Dharma Fellowship and Wonderwell Mountain Refuge

Sneak Peek!

Our mountain refuge is growing!
Here’s what we’re up to…

Free Recordings

Meditations & Dharma talks w/our Lamas, NDF Teachers, & Visiting Teachers

Solo Retreats

Take solitary refuge and deepen your practice in a solo retreat at Wonderwell  

Volunteer Opportunities

A precious and valued way to support Natural Dharma Fellowship


Natural Dharma Fellowship

A Buddhist community dedicated to the joy of awakening

Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Founding Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director

Lama Liz Monson

Spiritual Co-Director, Managing Teacher


Explore Meditation, Awareness & Awakening.

Green Dharma: Finding Presence in an Earth-Based Lineage (Hybrid)

Lama Willa Blythe Baker, Lama Liz Monson, Sarah Buie
June 26, 2024 - June 30, 2024
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Solo Retreats

Onsite at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge

Come deepen your practice in solitary retreat.
Experience the peace and tranquility of Wonderwell and explore your inner nature amidst the spacious beauty of mountains, sky, and forest.

Come Practice with Us

In addition to our Retreats and Courses, here are other some ways to learn, study, meditate and participate.

Open Practice Sessions


Weekly, 10:00 am–12:00 noon ET. Led by both senior NDF Dharma Teachers and by visiting teachers, weekly sessions to gather for guided meditation, Dharma teachings, Q&A. Once a month Dharma Dialogues takes place in this time slot.

Weekly, 5:00-6:30 pm ET. Guided meditation, Dharma talks, and time for conversation, led each week by NDF Dharma Teachers. Open to all—please join us for inspiration and community.

Weekly, 7:00-8:30 pm ET. Everybody welcome! Guided meditations, Q&A, and discussions offer an opportunity to find connection and support for natural meditation practices.

Weekly, 6:00-7:30 pm ET. In person at Wonderwell. Guided meditation and teaching sessions with NDF teachers alternate with peer-led lightly guided meditation. Meet either in the Meditation Hall at Wonderwell or at the Farmhouse. Click image for details & schedule. 

Our Programs

A thorough distillation of traditional Tibetan Buddhist training, you will learn a series of contemplative practices to deepen in love, self-compassion, compassion for others, wisdom, sympathetic joy and equanimity.

These practices work with the principal of pure vision, in which we embrace ordinary thoughts and emotions as the unlikely catalysts to recognizing that our nature, and the nature of others, is love and wisdom inseparable.

This council considers the issue of planetary climate change. As a practice, it builds insight, trust, and community between participants, and the potential for creative collaboration and action.

Latest Dharma News

May 2024 Newsletter

Read the May 2024 Newsletter from Natural Dharma Fellowship and Wonderwell Mountain Refuge. Contents: The NDF Sangha’s Flow of Good Works into the World Get to

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April 2024 Newsletter

Read the April 2024 Newsletter from Natural Dharma Fellowship and Wonderwell Mountain Refuge. Contents: Turning the Dharma Wheels: Our Sangha’s Good Works at NDF and Beyond

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What People Are Saying

A Welcoming Community

We recognize that all people hold unexamined beliefs, assumptions, fears and prejudices about others, and especially those who seem different from themselves. These beliefs are a great source of suffering for individuals and societies. We welcome people of all races, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, classes, religions, abilities and ages. We are committed to providing a safe place for all people to explore the dharma and awaken to their true nature.

A Statement on Racism in America

Silence in the face of oppression is complicity.

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubrey, Eric Garner, and many others are part of a systemic injustice in our country that is rooted in centuries of white supremacy, slavery, segregation, and white privilege.

This is a collective trauma that affects us all. No one is more affected by this trauma than People of Color.

We stand by those peacefully protesting this injustice.
We affirm that Black Lives Matter.

Ways To Show Your Support

Become a Member

Membership in Natural Dharma Fellowship is an expression of deep gratitude, commitment, and support for our ongoing work and mission.

NDF Members:

For more information or to become a member:

Make a Donation

Your generosity makes a difference!

A gift to Natural Dharma Fellowship and Wonderwell contributes to our important work – providing access to Buddhist teachings, connecting people with their innate wisdom and compassion, and cultivating ethical behavior for healing in our fractured world.

Please consider making a donation today. 
The amount of your gift is unimportant – it is the spirit of generosity that matters.