“This is rather disturbing,” said a resident looking for her relative’s grave in an erased cemetery on the club’s land.
Sugar Hill Group has 18 months to secure funding to build affordable housing and find a grocer.
Andy Moya Robaina, 22, was arrested on charges of vehicular homicide and unlawful racing on a highway.
The city currently charges less than Hillsborough County, but more than St. Petersburg and Pinellas.
A land swap deal with Ybor developer Darryl Shaw would put the sheriff’s office in a bigger space near the Selmon Expressway.
Leo Govoni helped run a second medical trust fund nonprofit that the Florida attorney general says is missing $2 million.
The fertilizer giant wants to use 1,200 tons of its phosphate waste byproduct in a test roadway, records show.
Local spots are offering discounts to celebrate the holiday on Friday, June 7.




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