Live Event
Mon Jun 18, 2012
12PM - 9PM EDT
Auction Stats
Top Items
Top Bidders
- BAG1$2,550
- Madtom77$745
- hotcutter$600
- acfclf$530
- benjamin$437
2012 Golf Auction Is Now Closed

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation would like to thank all of our generous supporters!
Go on the offense with the team that’s tackling cancer
The Joe Andruzzi Foundation is tackling cancer’s impact by providing financial assistance for patients and their families as well as funding pediatric brain cancer research.
You can make a difference.
Thank you for your participation!
1. Have fun and enjoy the items!
2. Purchases are expected to be settled with the Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) upon the closing of the online auction.
3. All winning merchandise will be available for pickup beginning Monday June 18th 2012, thru Friday June 22nd. Should you need to make other arrangements please let us know. The winning bidder is responsible for any and all arrangements that need to be made in order for your item to be removed from the JAF office (i.e., delivery fees, shipping & handling cost, etc.).
4. Should you require us to ship your winning item(s); you are authorizing the Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) to charge your account for any additional fees related to the shipping and handling cost incurred. JAF will not ship merchandise until payment is received in full. If your merchandise is not retrieved by June 22nd, 2012, from JAF, your item will automatically be forfeited. JAF cannot be held liable for items that are not picked up after this date.
5. Should any winning bidder fail to pick up his/her item(s) by June 22nd, you are granting JAF permission to resell
your item at a later date and agree that you have forfeited your donation and items.
6. All bids are final and are considered obligations to pay. No refunds will be made.
7. Please pay careful attention to dates, availability and other restrictions on the items.
8. JAF reserves the right to withdraw any item at any time before the actual sale.
Disclaimer of Warranties
The auctioned items are sold “as is.” Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, concerning the use and safety of the goods and services sold, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer bears the entire risk of the quality, performance, and safety of the donated items. JAF has not tested or inspected the goods and services for their quality and safety. Some of the activities are generally considered “high risk.” The purchaser shall consider this and assume all risks upon purchase and upon engaging in the activities. JAF shall not be responsible for any injuries or damages which result from buyer’s use of the auctioned items or services or from participation in services or activities purchased.
Please Note:
Participation in the Joe Andruzzi Foundation Online Auction constitutes a waiver of any and all claims against JAF, its employees, agents, and representatives for any damage, loss, or injury resulting from or connected with the use or receipt of any item or service auctioned.
The amount of any contribution that is tax deductible is limited to the excess of the amount paid over the fair market value of goods or services you received in exchange. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the IRS generally considers the amount paid for an auctioned item to be its fair market value. The above listed values are estimations by the item donor, for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect the fair market value of the item at the time of sale. Please consult your tax advisor for further advice and retain all documents related to your purchase(s) as your receipts for tax purposes.
Become a Sponsor
If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.