Brownwood Coliseum500 E Baker St, Brownwood, TX 76801, United States
Thu Apr 3, 202510AM - 2PM CDT
To order tickets you need to Sign In or Register.
Preview Hour is from 10-11am CT. Be one of the first to see all the bowls on display and look for your particular bowl or pick your favorite out to take home with you.
Lunch Event: 11:30-2pm CT
Join us for this wonderful fundraiser and pick out a bowl to take home with you as a reminder to help fight hunger both locally and globally. Inlcuded with your ticket into the event are 2 soup tickets - your choice from over 20 different restraunts - cornbread/crackers and a desert provided by Chick-fil-A.
There will be live entertainment provided by the Communit Band.
Your payment is being made to FrontStream Global Fund (tax ID 26-3265577), a 501c3 nonprofit organization, which will send your donation to Good Samaritan Ministries (tax ID 752500908) on your behalf.