When two bidders place the same Maximum Bid, the first bid placed becomes the leading bid.
Both pj069cb1c and jc454d3c7 placed a bid of 155.0 USD. pj069cb1c placed their bid before jc454d3c7 did.
pj069cb1c placed their bid on 2024-10-10 21:39:25.2 at 2024-10-10 21:39:25.2. jc454d3c7 placed their bid on 2024-10-10 21:42:41.634 at 2024-10-10 21:42:41.634.
Proxy bidding places bids on your behalf at the lowest possible increments. Simply enter your maximum bid (the highest amount you are willing to pay).
The goal of proxy bidding is for you to win the auction at the lowest possible price. Your maximum bid is only placed when another bidder also bids up to that amount or when the reserve price is equal to or greater than your maximum bid.
Bids will increase based on the bid increment set for the auction. Therefore, the current bid will equal the former bid plus the bid increment.
An item’s current bid is $3.00, and the bid increment is $0.10. Jane chooses automatic bidding and enters a maximum bid of $6.00, so Jane becomes the high bidder and the current bid reads $3.10.
Straight Bid
Enter an amount higher than the current winning bid (displayed on the auction page as "Leading Bid"), and click on the "Bid this exact amount" radio button below the bid you just entered. Then click the "Place Bid" button. The system will immediately place your bid at the exact amount you entered.
If the current high bid is $1.00, and you entered a straight bid of $15.00, you’re now the current high bidder at $15.00.
Reserve Price
The Reserve is the minimum amount the organization is willing to sell the item. If the reserve isn't met by the end of the auction, then this item will not be sold.
Reserve Price
The Reserve is the minimum amount the organization is willing to sell the item. If the reserve isn't met by the end of the auction, then this item will not be sold.
Bid Extension
The auction closing time on an item will be extended by 5 minutes each time a new bid is placed during the last 5 minutes of an auction. The item's closing time will continue to extend in 5 minute increments as long as there is continued bidding. The item will automatically close when there is a 5 minute extension period with no new bids.
Live Event Items
Further bidding will take place for this item during a live auction after online bidding is closed.
Absentee Bids
You can win items at the live event even if you can’t attend! When you are the leader at the close of online bidding and your Maximum Bid has not been met, your Maximum Bid will be used as an Absentee Bid in the live event. The organization running the auction will bid on your behalf up to your Absentee Bid (Maximum Bid).
Buy Now Purchase
This item was purchased using the Buy Now feature. When items have a Buy Now price, bidders may purchase the item for the set price rather than bidding on the item. Because item purchases go to a good cause, Buy Now purchasers are given the opportunity to pay more than the Buy Now price to further support that cause.
Buy Now Purchase
This item was purchased using the Buy Now feature. When items have a Buy Now price, bidders may purchase the item for the set price rather than bidding on the item. Because item purchases go to a good cause, Buy Now purchasers are given the opportunity to pay more than the Buy Now price to further support that cause.
Sold Live Event
This item was sold at the Live Event to either a Live Event Bidder or an Absentee Bidder.
Closed Not Sold
This item has been closed without being sold. It either had no bids, the bids made did not exceed the Reserve set, or the item became unavailable for the auction.