4 tickets for Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood
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Tickets for Kids Charities
This item includes 4 tickets to Imagination Stage's production of Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood, running December 11, 2024 through March 7, 2025 (best for ages 5+).
Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood updates the classic tale, sending the plucky heroine?now a red-robed little duck?and her ?fraidy cat friend Te Jean on a perilous journey through the bayou. Along the way the pair tangle with a Big Bad Gator. Petite is no sitting duck, though, and leads her nemesis on a merry Mardi Gras chase through New Orleans. A chorus of swamp dwellers sings backup to the Zydeco-driven score in this foot-stomping musical.
Imagination Stage is located at 4908 Auburn Avenue, Bethesda, MD
Subject to availability.
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