Temple B'nai Jacob – TBJ Last Chance
Auction Ends: May 12, 2019 08:00 PM EDT

World Golf Hall of Fame - 4 Tickets to the World Golf Hall of Fame

Item Number 153

Sold On Sold To Quantity Amount
2019-05-12 20:01:04.408  gadgetgurrl7 1 39.0USD 
Bid Placed On Bid Placed By Bid Amount Bid Details
2019-05-12 19:10:00.44 gadgetgurrl7 39.0 USD
2019-05-12 19:10:00.44 Moeman68 34.0 USD
2019-05-12 12:05:57.636 gadgetgurrl7 29.0 USD
2019-05-08 11:15:49.848 Moeman68 24.0 USD

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