Bay Farm PTSA – May the 4th Be With You
Auction Ends: May 5, 2024 03:00 PM PDT

Make Your Own Mosaic Step Stone - Private Workshop

Item Number CAMP1

Sold On Sold To Quantity Amount
2024-05-05 18:01:00.89  egbc2fed3 1 95.0USD 
Bid Placed On Bid Placed By Bid Amount Bid Details
2024-05-05 14:30:41.654 egbc2fed3 95.0 USD
2024-05-02 00:43:17.034 swb8d4b72 85.0 USD
2024-05-01 00:06:49.883 rn48a755b 75.0 USD
2024-05-01 00:06:49.883 swb8d4b72 70.0 USD
2024-04-30 01:13:51.76 swb8d4b72 65.0 USD
2024-04-28 19:37:55.694 ea977f915 55.0 USD
2024-04-28 19:37:55.694 rn48a755b 50.0 USD
2024-04-27 15:29:25.601 rn48a755b 45.0 USD

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