B'nai Jeshurun – 2017 BJ Celebrate Community Auction
Auction Ends: Mar 1, 2017 09:45 PM EST

Jewish Learning

Item Image 6 Sessions - The Art of READING the TORAH
  • 1800 USD
  • 600 USD
  • SOLD
Item Image An Amazing Opportunity to LEARN with Rabbi Tamar Elad-Applebaum
  • Priceless
  • 500 USD
  • SOLD
Item Image Come Blow Your Horn! SHOFAR LESSON
  • 50 USD
  • 60 USD
  • SOLD
Item Image Ever Wanted To Be aTorah Reader on Shabbat? LEARN to Layn!
  • 450 USD
  • 225 USD
  • SOLD
Item Image PRIVATE CLASS on Abraham Joshua Heschel
  • 3000 USD
  • 650 USD
  • SOLD
Item Image STROLL through the SCROLLS with Freddy Goldstein
  • Priceless
  • 100 USD
  • SOLD