National Women's History Project – 40th Anniversary Auction
Auction Ends: Nov 24, 2020 05:00 PM PST

View All Items - 96 ITEMS (91 - 96)

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Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Women In American Life 5 Part series 233 20USDSOLD CLOSED
Women's Empowerment Collection 219 100USD CLOSED
Women's Historic Sites 142 25USD 33USDSOLD CLOSED
Women's Suffrage Centennial Collection 215 50USD 45USDSOLD CLOSED
Women Win the Vote!: 19 for the 19th Amendment with Curriculum Guide signed by author 135 Nancy B. Kennedy 15USD 15USDSOLD CLOSED
Yellow Rose of Suffrage Package 159 80USD 80USDSOLD CLOSED
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