Camp PARC – 2023 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Jun 15, 2023 09:00 PM EDT

Tickets-Entertainment - 9 ITEMS (1 - 9)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom 108 Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom $140USD $80USDSOLD CLOSED
Summer Fun at Sandcastle 110 Kennywood Charitable Trust $220USD $90USDSOLD CLOSED
Kip Moore Concert Tickets 114 1st Summit Arena at Cambria County War Memorial $85USD $40USDSOLD CLOSED
Let the Good Times Roll 121 814 Lanes & Games $20USD CLOSED
Family Day at Idlewild Park 156 Idlewild and SoakZone $330USD $110USDSOLD CLOSED
Family Day at Idlewild Park 227 Idlewild and SoakZone $330USD $85USDSOLD CLOSED
Four Tickets to Idlewild 240 Idlewild and SoakZone $220USD $85USDSOLD CLOSED
Family Day at Idlewild Park 313 Idlewild and SoakZone $220USD $100USDSOLD CLOSED
Two Tickets to AACA Museum in Hershey 340 AACA Museum $30USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED