Camp PARC – 2023 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Jun 15, 2023 09:00 PM EDT

Handcrafts - 15 ITEMS (1 - 15)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Baseball Bat Coat Rack 150 Country Images by Luke Rouch $25USD $8USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Oak Shelf 157 Country Images by Luke Rouch $45USD $20USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Cutting Board 158 Country Images by Luke Rouch $25USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
Quilted Wall Hanging 161 The Sewing Box Quilt Shop $100USD $40USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Charcuterie Board 164 Country Images by Luke Rouch $20USD $18USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Oak Shelf 190 Country Images by Luke Rouch $35USD $10USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Cutting Board #2 193 $25USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Round Charcuterie Board #2 232 Country Images by Luke Rouch $20USD $20USDSOLD CLOSED
30" Handcrafted Oak Shelf 234 Country Images by Luke Rouch $45USD $10USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Barn Quilt Picture 321 Commissioner Gerald Walker & Kim Walker $55USD $20USDSOLD CLOSED
Art Work on a Glass Window 344 $70USD CLOSED
Rose and Blue Color Afghan - Preowned 361 $35USD CLOSED
Art Work on a Glass Window - Footprints 383 $70USD CLOSED
The Pirates Logo on a Glass Window 384 $70USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
Knotted Fleece Throw - Sturgis 389 $45USD CLOSED