Medfield K-8 PTO – Medfield Treasured Experiences 2024-2025
Auction Ends: Feb 28, 2025 08:00 PM EST

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Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Kindergarten MS NEWTON -Read, Create, and Explore with Your Teacher in the Library! 200 Priceless 105USDSOLD CLOSED
Kindergarten MS TRUCHON - Read, Create, and Explore with Your Teacher in the Library! 201 Priceless 105USDSOLD CLOSED
Lunch with MR.GRENHAM and a friend!! 222 Priceless 100USDSOLD CLOSED
Lunch with MRS. CAULFIELD and a friend!! 216 Priceless 120USDSOLD CLOSED
Making Pizza in the Memorial Cafeteria 208 Priceless 150USDSOLD CLOSED
Memorial- GELINAS- Fun and Games in the gym afterschool 209 200USD 250USDSOLD CLOSED
Memorial- LIBRARY HELPER with Mrs Farrahar 210 100USD 90USDSOLD CLOSED
Parking Pass/2 Front Row Seats for Night of the Arts (Cawley, Lynn, Morante) 217 Priceless 70USDSOLD CLOSED
Parking Pass/2 Front Row Seats for Night of the Arts (Kuehl, Sheehan, Watson) 218 Priceless 105USDSOLD CLOSED
Parking Pass/2 Front Row Seats for Night of the Arts (Newton/Callahan/Trikoulis) 219 Priceless 45USDSOLD CLOSED
Pick a Spirit Day Theme at Blake 224 1USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Miss Christine- Picnic in the Park WINNER 1 240 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Miss Christine- Picnic in the Park WINNER 2 214 100USD 30USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Miss Kate- Picnic in the Park WINNER 1 207 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Miss Kate- Picnic in the Park WINNER 2 241 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Mrs DeGeorge ( full day)- Picnic in the Park WINNER 1 206 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Mrs DeGeorge ( full day)- Picnic in the Park WINNER 2 242 100USD 35USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Mrs Lamb- Picnic in the Park WINNER 1 243 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
PRE-K- Mrs Lamb- Picnic in the Park WINNER 2 205 100USD 25USDSOLD CLOSED
Premium parking and seating for Blake Spring BAND concert 225 Priceless 45USDSOLD CLOSED
Premium parking and seating for Blake Spring CHORAL concert 226 Priceless 25USDSOLD CLOSED
Premium parking and seating for Blake Spring STRINGS concert 227 Priceless 25USDSOLD CLOSED
Principal for a Day at DALE STREET SCHOOL 189 Priceless 705USDSOLD CLOSED
Principal in Training at WHEELOCK SCHOOL 190 Priceless 350USDSOLD CLOSED
RESERVED parking and 2 seats at the 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony - Winner 1 191 Priceless 90USDSOLD CLOSED
RESERVED parking and 2 seats at the 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony - Winner 2 192 Priceless 95USDSOLD CLOSED
Ride to School in a Police Car - Winner 1 232 Priceless 1605USDSOLD CLOSED
Shadow your favorite Blake teacher for the day (including lunch) 228 1USD 60USDSOLD CLOSED
Softball - Captain for the Day 253 1USD 100USDSOLD CLOSED
Varsity Baseball Captain 250 Priceless 156USDSOLD CLOSED
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