Eliot Elementary School – Bobcat Bash 2015
Auction Ends: Apr 11, 2015 12:59 AM CDT

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War Is Declared!  JELLO War, That Is

War Is Declared! JELLO War, That Is

Item Number
Buy Now Price
20 USD
Quantity Available
50 – Purchase History

Item Description

Prepare to get slimed. Sticky. Glooped. This Inaugural Jello War of the Century will occur on Eliot's field. They should prepare for battle with clothes that can get messy and wet. Armaments? Jello squares, shields and helmets. Costumes encouraged. Every child will be given one box of Jello to take home, and bring back on this fateful day. If your child has a better supply chain, s/he is welcome to bring as much Jello as they can hold (or you're willing to make). Snacks and drinks for our tired soldiers will be provided. Tulsa FIREFIGHTERS will be on hand to hose down survivors. It's going to be EPIC!
Note: If you will have trouble getting Jello to your child after school, please contact Katherine Haskell
Cost: $20 per child, 1 box Jello provided
When: Friday, May 15th, 3-4 p.m.
Where: Eliot Field
Hosts: Katherine Haskell, Stephanie Wagner, Amanda Burgan, Natalie Cagle, Audra Glasgow