Earth Rhythms, Inc. – Winter SolstiCelebration 2010
Auction Ends: Nov 14, 2010 08:00 PM CST


Unleash Your Inner Genius: 28 Days to More Time, More Laughter, More Youth - hardback

Item Number
Estimated Value
70 USD
Opening Bid
30 USD

Item Description


A simple, easy-to-use meditation guide, Unleash Your Inner Genius: 28 Days to More Time, More Laughter and a Better, Younger Looking You. Each lesson is short and practical. This is not the philosophy of meditation, every lesson contains practical steps to take that will lead you to a successful practice.

Here’s the Table of Contents:

Week 1 – The Basics

Easy steps to getting started:
What to do; why it works; and why practice is key

A Very Simple Process
What Do You Want?
Taming the Elephant of Your Mind
Your Mind Is like a Rat
Practice Isn't Optional
There Are No Small Obstacles
Overcoming the T-Word

Week 2 – How the Mind Works
Steps for overcoming common obstacles
we all face at the beginning

Minding the To-Do List Mind
How We Began Doing Nothing
The Key to Happiness
The Forgiveness Process
3 Layers of Consciousness (3 lessons)

Week 3 – A New Way of Thinking
These potent metaphors and extraordinary benefits
reframe meditation for Western minds

An Ancient Technique for Relaxation
Metaphors (3 lessons)
Touching Your Genius
The Benefits of Meditation (2 lessons)

Week 4 – Creating a Lifetime Practice

Easy steps make meditation a life-affirming “get-to”

Supporting Yourself (3 lessons)
The Purpose of the Daily Practices
Becoming Present
The Venetian Blind Effect
The Next Attention

Order today and get four FREE meditation MP3s! $19.95 Value

  • Four, timed meditations—5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes
  • Each track contains a one-minute preparation for sitting.
  • These are not "guided" meditations or devotionals.
  • We don’t tell you what to think, we just ring the bells at the appropriate time.
  • You will only hear the sound of surf.
  • Put it on your iPod, MP3 or smart-phone and never have to look at your watch to check the time.

Item Special Note

Linda and Jon Caswell have more than 50 years of daily meditation practice between them.

Born a Southern Baptist, Linda is a spiritual athlete who took up a daily practice in October 1975 with Transcendental Meditation. Over the next 25 years, she dived deep into a plethora of Indian and Eastern traditions, taking numerous initiations. Certified as a yoga teacher in 1978, she taught for 20 years. She is an NLP Master Programmer.

The son of a Methodist minister, Jon is a mystic poet disguised as a magazine editor: he currently edits two consumer magazines for the American Heart Association. He began his daily practice in 1992 after a health crisis. He taught meditation in the Wellness Department at Southern Methodist University for 10 years.

The Caswells live in Dallas, where they teach classes and meditate together every day.

“We have been married 28 years and have always enjoyed talking about consciousness and the conditioned mind and their intersection. Our chief discovery in that investigation has been this – to have peace of mind, you must make peace with your mind, and to do that, you have to know what’s in there. Unleash Your Inner Genius is a really simple way to gain insight into your sub-conscious mind and free yourself of your conditioning.”

Donated By:

Linda Caswell