Earth Rhythms, Inc. – Winter SolstiCelebration 2010
Auction Ends: Nov 14, 2010 08:00 PM CST

Metaphysic Services

2 Hour Shamanic Astrology Reading with Sao

Item Number
Estimated Value
240 USD
Opening Bid
80 USD

Item Description

Shamanic Astrology is a nontraditional, cutting-edge, evolutionary system of astrology specifically created to track the journey of your soul. It is astrological wisdom and knowledge passed to us from ancient Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Egypt, India, Greece, etc., that has been synthesized, updated and upgraded to perfectly fit humanity's current place in The Evolution of this Creation.

A shamanic astrology reading will answer the questions, "What is my Divine Purpose - the True Intent of my Soul - in this Lifetime, and how do I live my everyday Life so that I am living in alignment with my soul's purpose?"

Your private reading (I prefer “Sacred Communion" rather than “reading”) is where we delineate The True Intent of your Soul. This is done in several parts, including:

  • Your Lineage, also referred to as "Your Past Story Line"
  • The True Intent of Your Soul, also referred to as "Your Current and Future Storyline"
  • Your Strategy, also referred to as "Your Tools and Equipment"
  • Your Current and Upcoming Planetary Cycles, also referred to as "The Current Life Cycles You’re In"

Finally, in these communions (readings) I emphasize the critical importance of The Return of the Divine Feminine - The Mother of Everything - to our human experience and reality, and how every person, male and female, can do their part in welcoming Our Heavenly Mother into Her Right and Holy Place in our Hearts, on Earth and in this Creation.

May Love have Its way with you,


Item Special Note

I have been a student and practitioner of astrology, numerology, mythology, symbology and other metaphysical studies for over 30 years. Currently I live in Sedona, Arizona, with clients around the world.

Once upon a time, when I was at a place of major personal crisis (times of personal crisis are always power points for change), I asked Creator to arrange my Life so that I could best serve myself, humanity and The Evolution of this Creation, and I promised Creator I would live that Life to the very best of my ability. That is how I came to this work (in a very sudden, unexpected way) and it's why I do it.

It is certainly one of my greatest pleasures in this Life to be service in these ways. At this point in our human journey, I consider myself simply a sincere and devoted student of Life and Love.

In these readings (sacred communions), no matter what questions or concerns you have -- from spiritual to the most mundane -- the combination of you, Creator, me, and untold numbers of Loving guides (yours and mine) in the invisible realms will uncover the insights and information necessary to help you move forward.

My job is to communciate effectively and impactfully with you -- to inspire you to take one more step, then another, and another and another, until you are where your desires are leading you.

Hopefully these few words will help you understand why I do what I do, and why I greatly appreciate the opportunity to work in this way with you.

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