NextAid – BIDS BUILD HOPE Online Auction
Auction Ends: Aug 31, 2011 11:59 PM EDT

Los Angeles Local

Private Yoga Session with Certified Vinyasa Flow Instructor

Item Number
Estimated Value
150 USD
Opening Bid
40 USD

Item Description

Wikipedia tells me that vinyasa is “Sequential movement that interlinks postures to form a continuous flow. It creates a movement meditation that reveals all forms as being impermanent and for this reason are not held on to.”  Ok that sounds pretty nirvana-y, but have you ever taken a yoga class? Do you know what its full of? Other people. I’m not saying other people are bad, but falling mid warrior pose in front of your psych 101 TA while your yoga instructor winds around a crowded room above the dining hall doesn’t sound like the greatest. (That was clearly a hypothetical situation. It definitely didn’t happen to me when I was a freshman.)
But here you have a chance to Enjoy a 1-hour private yoga class with certified flow yoga instructor, Ms. Joey Chella Soto. Even better, you and her will work together to customize your interests and needs, so you can get a balance of strength and flexibility. Maybe then you can learn that you really love yoga. Or if you’re a yoga expert, you can finally have that one-on-one instruction that you’ve been meaning to look into.

Item Special Note

Class expires 10/1/11. Instruction available outdoors in Santa Monica or at the client's home if located west of the 405 freeway in Los Angeles.

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