Send Me On Vacation, Inc. – WIN - Fall 2011 Auction
Auction Ends: Dec 11, 2011 09:00 PM EST

Send Me On Vacation

Send Me On Vacation - Donate $25

Item Number
Estimated Value
25 USD
Buy Now Price
25 USD
Quantity Available
1 – Purchase History

Item Description

You are donating $25 towards a much needed vacation to celebrate life for women with breast cancer who have completed their treatments and need a place to rejuvenate and heal their body, mind and spirit.

The Cause:  Many women who have experienced breast cancer treatments will tell you that when the physical aspects of the battle end, the emotional struggles begin.  The adverse effects of the treatments can leave women, their families and their friends in shambles.  After their treatment is complete, we believe the first step in surviving the overwhelming exhaustion, is to provide these survivors the relief and comfort of a well-deserved vacation to celebrate life.

Thank you for making a difference!