Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan – Annual Giving Campaign 2015-2016
Auction Ends: Mar 23, 2015 10:00 PM EDT


CHM Community: $50 Slot for the Kavanagh Family's Kreuz Market BBQ Dinner

Item Number
Estimated Value
Buy Now Price
50 USD
Quantity Available
20 – Purchase History

Item Description

Enjoy world-famous Kreuz Market Barbeque from Lockhart, Texas at the home of Tom and Shannan Kavanagh. Dinner will include Prime Rib, Brisket, Ribs, Sausage and Shiner Bock to wash it all down. The price to enjoy this dinner is $50 per person. Limited to the first 20 people who sign up. Dinner will take place on a date (TBD) soon after school starts in fall.

Purchasing this item at $50 allows one person to attend the BBQ. If you want to bring a spouse, date or friend, you must by a second slot (there are 20 available in total in the auction!)

Item Special Note

Only members of the CHM School community are invited to purchase this item.

There is no bidding on this item -- it's a $50 purchase.

We would like to thank our sponsors....

