Eliot Elementary School – Bobcat Bash 2015
Auction Ends: Apr 11, 2015 12:59 AM CDT

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Teachers vs. Students KickBall Game

Teachers vs. Students KickBall Game

Item Number
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20 USD
Quantity Available
32 – Purchase History

Item Description

Kids should bring their A-game in this battle against the teachers. After school your child will head to the Eliot field for a snack and drink, and to be divided into teams. Then it's GAME ON. Teachers vs. Students. To the death. Or til the teachers run out of steam. In the event of a rain-out, we'll play in the gym. (Note: Pre-K to 2nd grade will form 1-2 teams, 3rd-5th grade will form 1-2 teams. Different ages will not compete against each other.)
Cost: $20 per child
When: Friday, May 8th, 3-4 p.m.
Where: Eliot Field
Hosts: Katherine Haskell, Audra Glasgow, Christie Kendrick, Natalie Cagle, Denise Riley, Amanda Burgan