Health & Fitness
Two Months of Bootcamp
- Item Number
- 5096
- Estimated Value
- 180 USD
- Sold
- 60 USD to ckf0eae29
- Number of Bids
- 1 - Bid History
Item Description
Do you love the outdoors? Do you dread going to the gym? Join our fun and supportive outdoor bootcamp classes and start getting healthier today! You'll get a head to toe workout that is challenging and different every class! All fitness levels are welcome!
Spring and Summer we are located at Greenlake, Fall and Winter we are at the Phinney Neighborhood Center (indoor and outdoor workouts) and year round at Golden Gardens.
Participants must be 18 years old and have clearance from a doctor or physical therapist if they are treating an illness or injury. Expires 12/31/16.
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