Bose Soundlink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
- Item Number
- 5051
- Estimated Value
- 199 USD
- Sold
- 155 USD to al023c2254
- Number of Bids
- 12 - Bid History
Item Description
JJ Watts wants you to have this speaker. Who is that, you say? Well you are excused if you don't know. He's a football player that plays for a team other than the Seahawks. But when we say he "wants" you to have the speaker it's a little more than a suggestion. Don't make JJ angry. He's big. Real big. Yeah,yeah, this thing sounds great (seriously, you won't believe your ears), can take calls on its speakerphone, has bluetooth, but none of that matters. What does matter is that JJ is happy. Bid now.
Donated By:
Dellisanti Family
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