Two $50 Weekend Passes to 2016 US Gaelic Games Final + Gear
- Item Number
- 5177
- Estimated Value
- 175 USD
- Sold
- 40 USD to hm5781811
- Number of Bids
- 1 - Bid History
Item Description
Seattle will host the 2016 North American Final over Labor Day Weekend at Magnuson Park. 100+ teams and 2,000 athletes from the USA, Canada and the Caribbean. Gaelic Football and Hurling are some of the oldest, fastest and most exciting field sports on Earth. Hurling combines the skills of hockey, lacrosse and more rolled into one. Gaelic football is like soccer mixed with rugby. You'll also get a genuine Irish made wooden hurley (stick), a sliotar (ball), and a Seattle Gaels rally scarf!
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