Rhein Haus Party for 25
- Item Number
- 30
- Estimated Value
- Priceless
- Sold
- 1300 USD to Live Event Bidder
Item Description
Enjoy bocce, bier and brats at the Rhein Haus in Capitol Hill. Party includes bocce court rental, finger food and beverages for up to 25 people. Sunday - Thursday date to be mutually agreed upon.
Item Special Note
Party includes the Bocce Den and one bocce court for two hours, food and beverage up to $400. Additional food and beverage will be billed separately. Please contact Molly Pluger at events@rhseattle.com to schedule date and select food and beverage choices.
Donated By:
Alton Family
Cuba Family
Folger Family
Howe Family
Pessner Family
Schroeder & Hynes Family
Souder Family
Wade JD Family
Willson Family
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