Class Project
AM Preschool Class Project - "Seedlings"
- Item Number
- 1002
- Estimated Value
- Priceless
- Sold
- 100 USD to ccd841e3c
- Number of Bids
- 1 - Bid History
Item Description
See Spring through the eyes of your preschooler! The boys and girls in A.M. Preschool used paints, stamps, stencils and lots of colored glue to illustrate what a garden looks like to them on beautiful 12 by 12 cards. Their masterpieces were then compiled in a leather covered scrap book that will close into a decorative box and look inviting on your shelf or coffee table. Don’t miss the chance to own this keepsake full of imagination, life and sweet innocence….it will be so fun to look back at how much your little “seed” grows through his or her years at St. John.
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