Class Project
Ms. Kelley's Fifth Grade Class Project - "Abstract Expressionism One (Number 27, 2016)"
- Item Number
- 38
- Estimated Value
- Priceless
- Sold
- 3000 USD to Live Event Bidder
Item Description
Inspired by Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings, Ms. Kelley’s 5th grade class created their own expression of what 5th grade energy looks like. The techniques and tools invented by Jackson Pollock were used in creating this painting. The canvas was placed on the floor; house paint was dripped, splattered and flung, all with purpose. Each student painted with a unique color so his or her expression can be noticed individually or appreciated together as a whole. A legend on the back shows each student’s color and signature. The result is a 30" x 60" work of art that is truly one of a kind.
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