The Art of Rube Goldberg
- Item Number
- 159
- Estimated Value
- 60 USD
- Sold
- 41 USD to Baboonskaia
- Number of Bids
- 7 - Bid History
Item Description
THE ART OF RUBE GOLDBERG -- the quintessential book on Rube Goldberg -- has been released by Abrams Comic Arts. It covers Rube's 70 year career -- with a focus on his iconic invention cartoons that made him a household name. Adam Gopnik's introduction explains his work in a way that is both simple and complicated and weaves together Mousetrap, Dada, US patents, XKCD, and the atomic bomb into a coherent and brilliant piece that IS a Rube Goldberg! Donated exclusively by Rube's granddaughter, Jennifer. For a sneak peak, click HERE.
Item Special Note
The winning bidder will be responsible for additional shipping and handling fees.
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