One Overnight Stay & $500 Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Gift Cards
- Item Number
- 112
- Estimated Value
- 800 USD
- Sold
- 700 USD to Live Event Bidder
- Number of Bids
- 7 - Bid History
Item Description
Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Luxury Hotel & Resort
Two Bridge Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
This item includes a one (1) night stay at the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa PLUS two (2) $250 gift cards ($500) that may be used for anything on property, from additional overnight stays to spa services at SANNO, mouth watering meals in Fresh Salt, as well as fitness classes at the Health Club.
This auction item generously donated by:
John Augustyn (ENG'79) - gift cards
The Saybrook Point Inn & Spa - overnight stay
Item Special Note
Complimentary gift certificate for overnight stay is not redeemable for cash and cannot be reissued. Room reservations, including Guesthouse, are based on availability and excludes Saturdays and holidays. Reservations are required. Mention of Complimentary Gift Certificate is required at the time of the reservation. Offer valid only with original certificate. May not be used in conjunction with any other special offer or discount. Alcoholic beverages excluded. Tax and gratuity not included.
Two (2) $250 Saybrook Point Inn & Gift cards (total value $500). Non-redeemable for cash.
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