Framingham Rotary Charitable Foundation, inc – 2019 Framingham MA Rotary Auction
Auction Ends: Dec 11, 2019 10:00 PM EST

Unique Experiences

Unique Experience - A ride in a Framingham Fire Dept Truck

Item Number
Estimated Value
$150 USD
$60 USD to sinewitzm
Number of Bids
1  -  Bid History

Item Description

What a unique experience for somebody's child - a ride in a Framingham Fire Department truck! 

In addition to the ride, the lucky child will get a tour of the Framingham Fire Department and, better yet, become Chief for the Day!  Finally, they will received a FFD hat to take home with them.

This unique experience is being offered by the Framingham Fire Dept - Joe Hicks, FFD Chief, Michael Dutcher, Asst Chief

While we have put a value of $150 on this experience, it really is priceless! When else will you be able to purchase such an experience?

We would like to thank our sponsors....
