Framingham Rotary Charitable Foundation, inc – 2019 Framingham MA Rotary Auction
Auction Ends: Dec 11, 2019 10:00 PM EST

Food & Gourmet Items

Fresh Seafood Pac - Lobsters / Shrimp and Clam Chowder

Item Number
Estimated Value
$300 USD
$260 USD to pw0da10b9
Number of Bids
13  -  Bid History

Item Description

Need dinner for your next party!  How about a Lobster dinner with the fixing for your family and/or friends!  The Seafood Pac from Boston Sword and Tuna consists of - 10 - 1 1/2 lbs lobsters, 3 lbs of Shrimp and Clam Chowder for 15 people.  Boston Sword and Tuna is primarily a wholesale vendor to the food service industry - aka the restaurants where we all dine so you probably have had their products and not even knew it.

Boston Sword and Tuna is located at:

8 Seafood Way




Item Special Note

The successful bidder will receive a gift certificate from Boston Sword and Tuna. This certificate expires November 30, 2020.  Fulfillment needs to be through Larry Dore, one of the staff members of Boston Sword and Tuna. Advance coordination with Larry is required since the firm does not offer a retail operation.

Donated By:

Boston Sword and Tuna / Andy Toorock

Boston Sword and Tuna / Andy Toorock

We would like to thank our sponsors....
