Haidakhandi Universal Ashram – Ashram Summer On-Line Auction
Auction Ends: Jul 17, 2022 08:01 PM MDT


1 hr Vedic Astrology counseling session via zoom w/ Allison Dennis

Item Number
Estimated Value
162 USD
108 USD to wh5340131

Item Description

1 hr Vedic Astrology counseling session via zoom w/ Allison Dennis.

Jyotish, also called Vedic Astrology, is a visionary system from India that helps you understand your karmic patterns. A session with Allison can bring awareness to your personal strengths, weaknesses, and your current phase of life. It is her intention to help you find ways of navigating your path with more awareness, greater ease, and less resistance.


About Allison Dennis: 

Allison began her yoga journey after a back injury as a performer in the off-broadway show De La Guarda. Unable to move around at a young age, she took to the philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras for comfort and perspective. Recovery took several years, and allowed for her eventual asana practice to be rooted in and emphasized by India’s wisdom systems.

A student since 2001, and a graduate of The Body Therapy Institute, Allison completed well over 1000 hours of formalized yoga teacher trainings (Sivananda, Jivamukti, Krishnamacharya) before opening Heart of Yoga School in Carrboro, NC in 2010. She has a BFA in Musical Theater from East Carolina University.

Allison designed an 800 hour Yoga Teacher Training program dedicated to the foundational texts of yoga, and offered an introduction to the language of Sanskrit, harmonium instruction, chanting, and the development of a daily prescriptive sadhana.

She closed the physical space of Heart of Yoga School in 2018 to pursue travel and to teach to a wider audience, and now offers these Vedic teachings on an online platform which allows for the cultivation of community, healing, and mentorship to a broader student population. You can check out her Vedic online courses here.

Allison chose a mostly nomadic lifestyle back in 2016, and has travelled nationally and internationally as a solo woman and with groups. She's led tours and retreats in India and Bali, which has allowed her students to experience first hand how these ancient philosophies and practices can be infused into our daily life. In recent years she's presented at the Telluride Yoga Festival and the Stroud Sacred Music Festival in UK.

Always a student, her study is ongoing under the mentorship of Steven Highburger, Dr. Robert Svoboda, and K. Sridhar. She's currently available for Donation Based Jyotish, Jyotish Tutoring, and Mantra & Harmonium lessons at Allison Dennis

Item Special Note


  • Winner is to contact Allison Dennis to set up consultation via email at ombluesky@gmail.com
  • Please be prepared to share your birth date, birth time and location for a more accurate session.
  • Expiration August 2023

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