Camp PARC – 2023 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Jun 15, 2023 09:00 PM EDT

Lawn & Garden

Three Evening Primrose Plants

Item Number
Estimated Value
$30 USD
$20 USD to ccae06cdb
Number of Bids
5  -  Bid History

Item Description

Three Evening Primrose Plants - Perennials. Live Plants from Bruce Nurseries.

Common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) has plenty of admirers thanks to its beautiful and delicate appearance, but just as many people view this feisty floral as an invasive and temperamental weed. Native to North America, the flower is best sown in late fall, will grow quickly and bloom each summer, beginning its second year of life. Fragrant, four-petaled flowers bloom above a basal rosette of leafy branched stems.

Evening primrose self-seeds, so it's possible that unless properly cared for, it could easily take over your garden. Still, its pretty, lemon-scented yellow flowers can lure many gardeners with their beauty. The plant's blooms open in the late afternoon and evening and close throughout the day, attracting a different set of nighttime pollinators, such as moths and bats.

Item Special Note

This item is not eligible for shipping. Item is located in Western Pennsylvania (approximately 80 miles east of Pittsburgh). Arrangements must be made for pick up on Friday, June 16 or Saturday, June 17.

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