Constituting America – Patriotic Summer Fun Auction | May 16 - 23, 2024
Auction Ends: May 23, 2024 10:00 PM EDT

Childrens Books

In Schools All Over the Nation! "Our Constitution Rocks!"

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Estimated Value
25 USD
Opening Bid
15 USD

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Item Description

In schools all over the nation! Now you can own your very own copy! 

Author Juliette Turner, founder Janine Turner's daughter, is a board member of Constituting America and soon to be graduate of Havard Law School.

She served as Constituting America's National Youth Director and later as executive director. When she isn't writing or on the speaking circuit, she can often be found with her mother, actress and radio talk show host, Janine Turner, on their Texas ranch caring for their herd of twenty-five longhorn cows, dogs and horses. Juliette wrote Our Constitution Rocks in middle school, and it has received rave reviews - and is utilized in schools across the Nation! 

"In the spirit of full disclosure, I co-chair Constituting America [...]where Juliette Turner serves as National Youth Director. However, my position gives me a unique vantage point to view many people's reaction to this book. Constituting America sent Juliette's book out to all the students who entered our We The People 9.17 Contest in 2012, and we have received very positive feedback from students and parents thrilled to receive it. We have heard from college and law school students who have found it helpful, and adults from all walks of life have let us know that they find it indispensable as a reference tool. Constituting America Founder and Co-Chair Janine Turner and I regularly refer to it in our Constituting America work!

I have the privilege of knowing Juliette personally, and observing first hand her incredible in-depth knowledge of the U.S. Constitution! Juliette is a wonderful role model for youth of this country. She makes knowing our country's history and founding principles fun and cool!!

In 1961, President Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free."

Our Constitution Rocks is an excellent way for you to pass on to the children in your life a reverence and appreciation for freedom: the freedom that is a divine gift of our Creator, and protected and embodied in the structure of our government, set forth by the United States Constitution."

Item Special Note

By Author/Reviewer Geri Ahearn TOP 500 REVIEWERVINE VOICE on September 13, 2012
Format: Paperback
"I purchased this awesome book as a gift for a teacher friend, and I'm glad I made the right decision. 'Our Constitution Rocks' is the first easy-to-read, interesting, and enjoyable book that I've seen for ages 8 and up. Through the last 20 years and even before that, I remember searching-and-searching for a book about the Constitution that would pique the interest of my daughters and grab their attention, and it wasn't an easy task back then. I wish this was published when they were in elementary school, but it's a Great advantage for today's children. Youth Advocate, Juliette Turner delivers an easy-to-read presentation on information about the Constitution, how it changed history, facts about our Founding Fathers, and much more. In addition, the author creates a unique portrait of our Great nation, making history interesting for a new generation, and reminds us about freedom of speech as she portrays the importance of Freedom. Enjoyable with illustrations, clear, and simple. This gem belongs on the shelves of school libraries and in the classroom!"