Auction Ends: Feb 9, 2024 10:00 PM CST
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Auction Closed! Thank you for taking part!
The Eagle's Flight is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to view, click and bid in order to support Presbyterian Day School.
Congratulations to everyone who: placed a winning bid, generously donated an item for auction, and invited family, friends and community members to make their bid to enhance the education of our school.
Items can be picked up Wesnesday, February 14th after the Valentine's Day parties at 3 pm in the Westminster Room at PDS.
BUY NOW! items will be sent home in Tuesday folders on February 13 or mailed to recipient.
Email or call Blair Ladner at 662-902-0101 or Regan Burd at 662-719-6878 if other arrangements need to be made.